Performances featuring YoungArts award winners provide a platform for presentation and a way to cultivate new work at some of the most exciting venues and stages and with some of the top organizations and collaborators in the country.

Nu Deco Ensemble
YoungArts has partnered with Nu Deco Ensemble to commission collaborative performances with YoungArts award winners each season. Recent commissioned artists include composer Chris Rogerson (2007 Classical Music).

YoungArts at Joe's Pub
YoungArts partners with Joe’s Pub to present live performances by YoungArts award winners on the world-renowned Joe’s Pub stage in New York City. Recent performances by award winners include Carnatic and crossover vocalist Roopa Mahadevan (2001 Dance); flutist Claire Chase (1996 Classical Music & U.S. Presidential Scholar in the Arts); jazz singer and songwriter Jazzmeia Horne (2009 Voice); and actor, musician and songwriter Queen Esther (1983 Theater).

YoungArts at The Nimoy
YoungArts partners with UCLA’s Center for the Art of Performance to present live performances by YoungArts award winners in a dynamic new performance space and cultural gathering spot opening in Los Angeles in spring 2023.